Top 8 Best Steroids For Sale

 You can easily find information about the many different types of Anabolic Steroids. You can usually buy Steroids online or at any pharmacy or drug store, although stronger prescription-only certainly do exist. There are also purely androgenic Steroids, which primarily control “male” characteristics. Then, there are Anabolic, which stimulates muscle growth and increase muscle mass. In no particular order, here is our review of the 8 best Steroids for sale in 2020.

The 8 Best Steroids

1# Anadrol

The Anadrol Steroid can produce some impressive gains in a very short time, and it does not exhibit many androgenic side effects, so it is quite a popular steroid among athletes. However, Anadrol is very liver toxic (hepatotoxic), so you should use it with caution for the shortest possible periods. The gains are quite dramatic, but they taper off quickly. It is a common steroid cycle kick-start.

2# Anavar

The Anavar steroid is one of the few oral steroids. Men and women alike appreciate its nearly purely anabolic mechanism. It is only marginally androgenic, which means the steroid side effects, if any, are mild. It is an incredibly popular steroid for those who want To burn fat prior to competitions but is also beneficial alongside other compounds in a bulking steroid cycle.

3# Deca Durabolin

The Deca steroid is one of the most popular and commonly used steroids, and while it is somewhat androgenic, the side effects are easy to mitigate. As a result, athletes and bodybuilders often pair their Deca Durabolin with other steroids to improve its anabolic activity and avoid risks. This is one of the best steroids for sale if you want to bulk up quickly and safely.

4# Dianabol

The Dianabol steroid is a particularly potent oral steroid compound that is perfect for anyone who wants large gains, but who prefers staying away from injectable steroids (it is available in an injectable serum form as well). It was one of the very first steroids released on sale to the public, despite the fact that many countries outlaw it today. The Dianabol steroid offers huge gains, but because of its liver toxicity, you must use this steroid wisely. It is quite androgenic when compared to some other steroids, as well.

5# Testosterone

The Testosterone steroid is a hormone that is anabolic and androgenic at a 1:1 ratio. It comes in a variety of chemical forms, including testosterone enanthate, testosterone undecanoate, testosterone cypionate, and testosterone propionate. When compared to other steroids, Trenbolone is five times more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone. This potent combination makes it incredibly popular, but it is important to use Tren steroids with caution. Since it is so highly androgenic, the anabolic effects are noticeable. However, it is widely known for providing the best, biggest gains in the shortest periods.

6# Trenbolone

When compared to other steroids, Trenbolone is five times more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone. This potent combination makes it incredibly popular, but it is important to use Tren steroids with caution. Since it is so highly androgenic, the anabolic effects are noticeable. However, it is widely known for providing the best, biggest gains in the shortest periods.

7# Turinabol

Turinabol, also called Tbol or T-Bol, is an oral steroid that is very closely related in structure to Dianabol. It is created in underground laboratories around the world and comes in 10mg tablets. When compared side-by-side, Turinabol is not as strong as Dianabol and is incapable of producing the same gains, even at its maximum dosage.

8# Winstrol

There is no denying that Winstrol has a love/hate relationship in bodybuilding forums. While some people absolutely love it, others find it too harsh for their liking. Winstrol, or “Winny”, is a highly anabolic and only slightly androgenic steroid. It comes in both a tablet and injection forms, too.  While most people use it for cutting, there are some who claim that the right steroid stacks offer amazing gains. As you can see, once you know a bit about each one of the best, it is easier to decide which to stack in order to create the perfect ratio of androgenic to anabolic properties.

Buying Products Offline

Another way to buy steroids involves purchasing them on the underground market, which often extends into gyms and on the street. Just like buying steroids online, though, it is impossible to know exactly what you’re getting. This makes buying steroids in this manner incredibly risky for your health, your wellbeing, and your wallet. Many people choose to go this route anyway, and while many are satisfied with their purchases, others simply do not get the results they expected because the steroid products turned out to be counterfeit. Some of these illegal steroids were brought in from other countries by brave individuals interested in making money.

Because of the inherent risk that comes along with smuggling steroids across international borders, the prices are quite high when compared to those you would find in pharmacies. Due to the cost and the risk, it is not advised to buy steroids on the street or in the gym. As you can see, there are many countries in the world that have all but banned steroids without a prescription. However, there are plenty more that have absolutely no laws in place against anabolic steroid possession, sale, and manufacture. Those who choose to travel to other countries to find steroids for sale legally should do so carefully and remember that smuggling is a criminal offense in the vast majority of situations.steroids for sale for cutting

Where is it Legal to Buy Steroids?

The laws surrounding steroids vary from country to country. In the United States, for example, you can only purchase steroids with a prescription. In Canada, it is legal to possess without a prescription, but it is illegal to buy or sell them.


Unlike the US and Canada, Mexico’s laws surrounding steroid products are quite lax. For example, you can buy veterinary-grade steroid products without a prescription. While you’ll need a script to purchase some, such as Primobolan Depot, you can find others, such as Sustanon and Deca Durabolin, without a prescription in just about any pharmacy. Oddly enough, you will not find HCG in pharmacies in Mexico, but you can find it in several veterinary offices. 


Things in Canada are a bit different than they are on the rest of the continent. Whereas the United States has very strict laws in place, Canada has no laws that make the possession illegal. Although you cannot buy, sell, or manufacture them in Canada, there is no major penalty for being in possession of them – even without a prescription. There are laws against it, but they are not harsh; those found in possession may have to pay a fine, and chances are good that they will be confiscated.


The United Kingdom is much like Canada in that it is illegal to buy, sell, manufacture, or possess with the intention to sell them, but there is no offense for possession. Steroid products are Class C substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971, and anyone found in violation of the act could face up to 14 years in prison along with a heavy fine. As such, although the UK and Canada have similar laws, the UK has no possession offense at all while Canada has small fines.

Buying Products Online

Before you start looking for steroids for sale online, it’s important that you understand how to protect yourself physically, legally, and financially. Your goal should be to buy steroids online that are of high quality from a reputable seller that you can trust. Here are some tips for buying steroids online that will help you get the most out of your experience.

Buying Online vs On the Street

Those who are new to the fitness and athletic culture often mistakenly believe that steroids are the rarity and most people don’t use them. This is 100% false. In fact, many of today’s famous trainers will blatantly tell you that if you believe someone might be using gear, they probably are. Steroids are more prevalent than you may believe, and this is true for many reasons – even though they’re illegal in the US, UK, and other countries without a prescription. When you buy steroid products off the street, there’s no surefire way to know what you’re getting unless it comes in an unopened tamper-evident container directly from the original manufacturer. This is why it is almost always best to buy your steroid products online; you can read honest reviews and decide your odds of receiving a real or counterfeit product.

Steroids for Sale for injecting

Different Types of Steroids

Different people think of different things when they hear the term “steroid”. Some think of medications prescribed by doctors to help reduce inflammation and treat illness, but others think of their impact on performance, size, and strength.


Corticosteroids are the types of steroids that your doctor may prescribe to you if you have a condition such as lupus, asthma, or even a rash. They mimic the effects of hormones that your Adrenal gland creates naturally. When you introduce corticosteroids at higher levels than are naturally present in the body, it has the effect of fighting inflammation, which is why it is so commonly given to patients who have different inflammatory ailments.

The most common corticosteroid is known as prednisone, but there are plenty of others. Corticosteroids come in injectable and oral forms, and you can buy some creams over the counter that contain very small amounts of corticosteroids. Many of today’s OTC nasal sprays for Allergies contain corticosteroids, too.

Oral corticosteroids

Available with a prescription only. These are generally short courses of treatment given at home to help combat inflammation that is causing pain. There are several different types and strengths available, too.

Injectable corticosteroids –

These injections are given directly in a physician’s office or in a hospital, and they serve the same purpose as their oral counterparts. However, it is possible to give a much larger dose when injected rather than taken orally. Most doctors reserve injections for patients who have very localized and severe swelling. Asthma patients are sometimes given a very high dosage intravenously to help them recover from acute asthma attacks.

Topical corticosteroids –

You can find these over the counter in many drug and department stores. Many people keep them on hand to treat itching and redness associated with anything from bug bites to the rash caused by poison ivy. Concentrations of 10% or less are available over the counter, and stronger topical options are available by prescription.Types of Steroids for sale


Anabolics, on the other hand, are the types of steroids most often associated with athletes and bodybuilders. Nonetheless, there are many medical uses for anabolics. Doctors may prescribe Testosterone or other compounds to treat conditions like low testosterone in men (Low-T) or to help people who have AIDS, cancer, and other health conditions retain (or gain) the muscle mass needed for good health. Anabolics are derivatives of testosterone, and when they bind to testosterone receptors in the body, they facilitate muscle growth, energy, strength, and stamina. Like corticosteroids, anabolics come in a variety of types. There are oral and injectable, and there are also gels, creams, patches, and pellets.

Oral Anabolics

There are several different types of oral anabolics. Andriol, which is a pill form of testosterone undecanoate, is commonly prescribed to men to treat low testosterone. Other orals, like Anavar and Dianabol, are common among those who want to gain muscle mass and improve their overall athletic performance. For the most part, orals are known for their ability to cause significant liver damage in a short period of time. Some, such as Andriol, are very mild when compared to others, like Dianabol.

Injectable Anabolics

These types of steroids are given in doctors’ offices or at home, and they are also common among athletes and bodybuilders. Some of the most well-known injectables include Trenbolone, Deca Durabolin, and Primobolan Depot. These do not cause liver damage like orals, but they should still be used responsibly. Taking too much for too long, or taking injectables without the proper supplementation and post cycle therapy, can lead to irreversible side effects like testicular atrophy and Gynecomastia.

Anabolic steroid gels, creams, and patches –

These are difficult to find outside of a pharmacy, but they do exist, and millions of people around the world use them to help treat Low-T or muscle wasting disorders. In fact, transdermal testosterone patches are becoming increasingly more popular among men dealing with low testosterone because they are easy to use and apply. None of these delivery methods contain a dose high enough to benefit athletes, though.

Anabolic steroid pellets –

These types of steroids were originally developed for veterinary use. They are often implanted subcutaneously into cattle and other animals in an effort to increase their size. Anabolic testosterone pellets for men are also available, and they are gaining popularity. Called Testopel, they are surgically inserted under the skin and allowed to release testosterone for about four to six months. Many of the oral and injectables found on the black market were prepared in underground laboratories from veterinary-grade steroid pellets, which are legal and easier to find than pharmaceutical-grade.

Anabolic vs Androgenic

You may hear the term “anabolic steroid” used far more often than “androgenic steroid”, but this is the key difference between the ones found in athletic circles. All types used for performance enhancement are both anabolic and androgenic to some degree, but the way a particular steroid is rated will ultimately determine its effect on your body. These two types of steroids have different sets of side effects, both positive and negative.

Anabolic –

The term “anabolic” is used to describe anabolism or constructive metabolism. Essentially, it’s a term that encompasses the processes behind breaking down complex molecules into smaller ones for use by your body, including energy. For example, the breakdown of proteins into amino acids is considered an anabolic process, and it is vital to the growth of lean muscle tissue. Anabolic processes are responsible for bone and muscle tissue growth, nitrogen retention, organ size, height, immunity, and more.

Androgenic –

On the other hand, the term “androgenic” is used to define processes related to the development and maintenance of male characteristics. Testosterone is the primary androgenic hormone in humans, and it is present in both men and women. Most Anabolics are derivatives of testosterone, which means they are all androgenic to some degree. Androgenic side effects within the body include the growth of the penis or clitoris, genetic hair density, voice pitch, sebaceous gland activation – things commonly attributed to puberty.

With this information in mind, a steroid that is more anabolic than androgenic can promote growth, but with fewer androgenic side effects. Ones that are more androgenic than anabolic, such as Halotestin, are known for increasing strength and muscle mass quality more than size, but they often have a significant risk for side effects that users must be careful to mitigate. The chart below shows a few different commonly used and the comparison between their anabolic and androgenic ratings.

Wet and Dry

It is important to consider two more important categories used to classify different types of steroids, and these are wet and dry. The differences between the two are simple enough to understand, and doing so can help you make better choices about the performance enhancement you want.

Wet –

A wet steroid is a compound that causes the body to retain water. Wet are estrogenic in nature, which means that your body will convert unbound hormone into estrogen. As a result, water builds up between your muscle cells. Though this process can speed the muscles’ ability to repair themselves, it also results in a loss of muscle mass definition. Wet can help relieve joint pain because this excess water isn’t limited to muscles; it finds its way into joints, too. Dianabol is a very popular example of a wet steroid.

Dry –

Conversely, there are some that do the exact opposite of their wet counterparts – they remove the water from between body cells. Dry are usually non-estrogenic, which means they will not aromatize and convert to estrogen. Like wet, dry ones also have their benefits; athletes tend to use them during cutting cycles to maintain lean muscle mass and promote muscular definition. The biggest drawback is the likelihood of joint pain since these compounds also pull fluid from the joints. Winstrol is the most popular dry steroid.

Of the many different types of steroids available today, testosterone is by far the most popular in the Bodybuilding and athletic crowd, while prednisone is incredibly popular for treating medical conditions that result in inflammation. Each and every steroid is completely different, so it is important to understand the pros and cons associated with different delivery types before you start your regimen or cycle.

Dry Vs Wet 

Although all are derivatives of the same natural hormones, they each have their own inherent set of benefits and drawbacks. Some are wet, which means they increase the liquid in the body. Others are dry, and while they might not cause bloating, they leave the joints sore and achy. Learn about the dry vs. wet debate here.

What Makes a Steroid “Wet”?

A “wet” steroid is one that causes the body to retain water. This occurs in compounds that have estrogenic properties, meaning that they aromatize in the body and convert readily into estrogen. This increase in estrogen causes a buildup of water between the muscle cells, which in turn leads to a loss of definition.

However, that extra water between the cells also boosts the muscles’ ability to repair themselves and adds to the athlete’s overall strength. Wet steroids are common in bulking cycles when bodybuilders want to add mass and strength. Popular wets include Deca Durabolin and Dianabol, which are often cheaper and in the case of Deca, require less frequent injection.

What Makes a Steroid “Dry”?

Conversely, a “dry” steroid is one that actually removes the fluid from between the muscle cells, helping to promote definition and a ripped, toned appearance. Winstrol is one of the most popular drys known to man, and while it can certainly provide the results you want, there are other things to consider. A dry steroid not only affects the fluids lubricating the muscle cells but also the other cells in the body. This is why many people who use Winstrol and other drys tend to experience joint pain; the compound actually dries the fluid in the joint.dry and wet steroids for sale

How Do You Choose?

The fact of the matter is that all anabolic steroids come with side effects, so it is important to weigh the benefits against the potential risks. Choosing a wet or dry is often as simple as determining whether you want a bulking or cutting cycle. Adding more fluid to the body boosts short-term gains and strength; removing fluid from the body provides a toned look prior to shows and competitions. Although the wet and dry effects of these compounds are beneficial in certain circumstances, they can also cause issues. Too much fluid increases the volume of blood, which increases blood pressure in turn. Conversely, too little fluid may cause joint pain and muscle cramps.

Finding a Balance

The best way to make sure that you get the results you want without any of the truly adverse side effects of wet or drys involves finding a balance between the two. If you will use a wet, counterbalance some of the negative side effects by using a diuretic along with an aromatase inhibitor. Conversely, if you will use a dry that may cause joint pain and discomfort, try lowering the dose if the discomfort becomes too much. Adding a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement as well as fish oil may help replace the fluids that the steroid takes away, too.

Wet vs. Dry Steroids: Using them Together

If you are thinking about creating a stack, but you aren’t sure about how to do it, it’s important to keep a few things in mind about wet vs Dry Steroids. First, you must understand which steroids are wet and which are dry so you will get the effects you expect. The table below provides a list of all the most popular and whether they are wet or dry.

Another prime example is the Dianabol / Winstrol stack that bodybuilders turn to for bulking. Dianabol is excessively wet, which means it can cause you to gain 10 to 15 pounds of water weight. Some people will add two to four weeks’ worth of Winstrol on the backend of these cycles to help dry up that water and harden the muscles at the same time. This is not ideal for everyone as it can be a harsh cycle, but advanced users claim it’s the best way to get the most out of Dbol.

Second, it’s important to understand which ones work together to help you reach your goals. Many bodybuilders and athletes will purposely pair wet and dry to help them avoid the potential side effects of either. For example, someone using Winstrol during a cutting cycle may experience joint pain due to its drying effect, so they may choose to add a small amount of Deca Durabolin to counteract this.

Is One More Dangerous than the Other?

When comparing wet vs dry, there is some speculation that wet tend to be harsher and more dangerous than their dry counterparts, but this is simply not the case. This notion comes from the fact that wet steroids are almost always estrogenic, which means they can cause Gynecomastia and other unwanted side effects in men who don’t take the proper precautions. By using aromatase inhibitors alongside cycles that can aromatize in your body, and by following your cycle with the proper PCT, you can avoid all the unwanted side effects and realize your goals.dry vs. wet steroids

Wet vs Dry and Mitigating Side Effects

If you spend much time reading forums for users, you’ll find that there are a few different ways to relieve the side effects common of wet and drys. When using a dry, you are likely to experience joint pain due to the lack of moisture in your tendons, ligaments, and joints themselves.

The following supplements can help:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids such as those found in fish and krill oil can go a long way. They reduce the overall wear on your joints, and they also inhibit enzymes called collagenases, which break down the collagen in your joints over time. It also helps to improve tendon health and reduce inflammation.
  2. Calcium reduces inflammation and joint pain, particularly in the knees.
  3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that will keep your connective tissues in good health, and when your connective tissue is strong, your joints are better supported.
  4. Gelatin supplements act as lubricants for your joints, which comes in handy during a cycle with dry steroids.

Conversely, Wet Steroids can cause significant bloating in your hands, feet, and even face, as well as in other parts of your body. This can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but even outside of diuretics, there are a few different ways to counteract it.

  1. Reduce your sodium intake so that it falls below the daily RDA of just 2300mg each day. This can be difficult at first, but by decreasing your sodium levels, you will experience less bloating.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables to boost your circulation and keep bloating to a minimum.
  3. Drink more water to help flush toxins that may be latching onto water in your body. Though it sounds contradictory, it’s one of the best ways to feel better.
  4. Eat more Protein to combat bloat. Numerous studies have suggested that too little protein is a leading cause of water retention. You should be consuming adequate protein anyway.
  5. Consider lime and lemon juice or Dandelion tea, which are natural diuretics that can provide gentle relief from water retention.

Dry and wet both have benefits for athletes and bodybuilders alike, but it often comes down to mitigating the risks and discomfort that they bring. Remember that wet add mass while dry offer muscle growth, tone, and definition, and always purchase the supplements you need to counteract any side effects before you start your cycle.

Oral vs Injectable

If there is one question that comes up on forums more than any other, it has to do with oral versus Injectable Steroids. People want to know which compound is best in which situation, which has the least side effects, and which provides the best overall results. Here, you will learn everything you need to know about the similarities and differences with regards to oral vs injectable steroids.

Oral Steroids

Oral steroids are those that come in tablet or liquid suspension forms. Some common examples include Anadrol, Anavar, Winstrol, Dianabol, and Halotestin. They require daily dosing, either all at once or broken down into two or more doses throughout the day, and they are generally the most hepatotoxic (liver toxic) of all out there. What’s more, orals carry side effects that include significant bloating, high blood pressure, and Headaches. However, expert users all agree that there is nothing like a powerful oral steroid to promote massive gains in short order. For this reason, many bodybuilders choose orals over their injectable counterparts.


Injectables are those that you must inject subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For the most part, they require less frequent dosing than their oral counterparts do, though this depends primarily on the half-life. Some popular examples of injectables include Trenbolone, Deca Durabolin, and Winstrol depot (Winstrol is available in both forms), to name a few. Although injectables are not as hepatotoxic as oral steroids are, they can still present some risks. Side effects vary based on the exact compound. Expert users all agree that injectable steroids are best for higher quality gains over time and there is nothing at all like them when it comes to cutting cycles.

Which Come in which Forms?

The chart below shows some of the most popular anabolics for performance enhancement and whether they are available in oral or injectable forms.

Almost all come in an oral form, but these are not as bioavailable as their injectable counterparts. Along those same lines, it’s important to remember that you may find someone selling injectable Anavar or Dianabol, but these were made in underground labs rather than pharmaceutical companies. It is up to you whether you choose to trust the maker.

oral vs. injectable steroids

Which Should You Choose?

Oral and injectable both have their benefits. Primarily, oral steroids offer huge gains in short periods, and injectables offer smaller, higher quality gains over longer periods of time. Most of the bodybuilders and athletes who utilize anabolics will actually use both during a cycle. They will start out with one of the orals as a “kick-start” for their gains, then switch over to an injectable before the side effects become too much to handle. This way, they can enjoy quick gains from the start, then turn them into lean muscle mass without much water retention throughout the rest of the cycle.

oral or injectable steroids

The Winner: Injectable

In the grand scheme of things, anabolic users almost unanimously agree that injectables are the better choice. Some of the benefits include:

  • Fewer (or more tolerable) undesirable side effects
  • Better libido
  • Less expense
  • Better for the liver
  • Longer time to develop muscles and maintain gains
  • Less frequent dosing
  • The better overall sense of well-being

Individuals who prefer injectables will often use the oral kickstart method to truly enhance their cycles, particularly for bulking. When looking at oral versus injectable steroids, you must remember that injectable versions take longer to come to peak concentration and therefore provide results. As such, starting out with an oral can enhance those results and help you stay motivated. As you can see, in the debate between oral vs injectable, the injectables are the clear winners. However, there is also a time and a place for orals, namely at the front of a cycle to help kick-start gains. You can also use an oral in the middle of an injectable cycle to help you bust plateaus in your gains.

Legal Steroid Alternatives

For many people, fitness goals are incredibly important. That’s why performance-enhancing drugs and supplements like anabolic steroids are so very popular.  Although steroids certainly aren’t for everyone, there are safer legal steroid alternatives that you can use to help you meet your goals.

Muscle Gain

If your goal is to gain pounds of muscle mass, you could turn to steroids like Dianabol or even Deca Durabolin. Of course, these can cause side effects and are usually difficult to obtain (not to mention illegal), so many people are interested in alternatives. Studies have shown that nitric oxide is one of the best alternatives for muscle gain. Not only is it effective, but it’s also easy to find, relatively inexpensive, and one of the most popular alternatives available today.

A study at UCLA back in 2011 focused on 16 male cyclists who were interested in gaining muscle mass. They were given supplements containing arginine, an amino acid that serves as a precursor to nitric oxide. After three weeks, the average Anaerobic threshold (the point at which lactic acid begins to build up in muscle tissues) in these cyclists improved by 16.7%. This shows that nitric oxide could indeed improve muscle gains when used by bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts by reducing lactic acid buildup, thus making workouts more effective. 

Fenugreek is another common alternative that can help you build muscle mass without unwanted side effects. It is a rich source of amino acids, and it contains a variety of important nutrients like niacin, potassium, vitamin C, and choline, which play vital roles in muscle health. Most importantly, fenugreek contains a very specific molecule called 4-hydroxy isoleucine, which has been scientifically proven to aid in proper glucose metabolism. When you work out, this glucose is converted to glycogen, which serves as fuel for muscle mass steroid alternatives


If you’re looking to improve your endurance, whether you’re a long-distance runner or dedicated weightlifter, Creatine is one of the best alternatives for you.  There are several different types of creatine available, and some work better than others. The most popular form of Creatine – and arguably the best – is creatine monohydrate. Studies have proven that supplementing with creatine monohydrate increases available muscle creatine and phosphocreatine by up to 40%, which leads to more capacity for anaerobic exercise. This means that athletes and bodybuilders who use creatine monohydrate regularly can expect to experience longer and more effective workouts with shorter recovery times. 

When it comes to natural alternatives for endurance, many people turn to bee pollen. It is a complete protein that is packed with nutrients your muscles need to run further, work out longer, and push out a few more reps. Gingseng is arguably one of the best alternatives for endurance. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine for its restorative properties, and it has also been shown to promote focus and clarity.

Fat Loss

Whether you’re actively trying to lose weight or you want to shed a few pounds of body fat prior to an upcoming competition, it’s often a difficult task. Most people, no matter how hard they work, will eventually hit a plateau in their weight loss efforts.  Fortunately, you don’t have to turn to anabolics to get over these hurdles. Capsiplex is a great alternative that contains several all-natural ingredients designed to work together synergistically. Capsiplex helps you shed pounds by improving your metabolism and digestive systems, suppressing your appetite, and even improving your energy levels.

In clinical trials from the University of Oklahoma, subjects either took Capsiplex or a placebo prior to exercising. Those who took the Capsiplex demonstrated three times the calories burned of those who took a placebo, and 12 times more calories burned for an hour after they exercised. 

Burning fat is all about speeding the metabolism and suppressing the appetite, and there are several herbal legal steroid alternatives that can help. Sage, for example, is a stimulant and diuretic that helps you shed unwanted water weight, all while boosting your energy levels and keeping cravings at bay. Spearmint is another fantastic choice because it’s a powerful appetite suppressant and it’s been shown to aid in nutrient absorption, which ensures you get the most out of every bite of food.steroid alternatives


If you’re on the hunt for alternatives that can boost your strength, ecdysterone is a fantastic choice. It’s very similar to testosterone at the molecular level, but the two behave very differently in the body. This supplement contains essential amino acids that your body cannot make on its own, and these amino acids provide the building blocks for the lean muscle mass tissue you need to improve your strength.

Per a 2010 study published in the Steroids journal, found ecdysterone taken orally produces an effect that is very similar to anabolic steroids but without the androgenic effect that often causes side effects. Most of the current studies have been performed on laboratory animals, however; one study showed that in-vitro application of ecdysterone to human muscle fibers can cause increases in both strength and muscle growth rates. 

The best herbal alternative for boosting strength is undoubtedly Tribulus Terrestris. This plant has been shown to help increase your body’s free testosterone levels, which plays an important role in raw power and strength. Another option is Cordyceps fungus, also known as caterpillar fungus, which grows on soybeans. It’s been shown to improve libido and sperm count while relieving fatigue. It also helps with circulation, lung capacity, and cardiac output, all of which can improve your strength.

Choosing Legal Steroid Alternatives

With the above information in mind, it’s possible to choose the best natural legal steroid alternatives. Some of the alternatives are considered dietary supplements, and others are herbal supplements you can grow yourself or find in most drug stores. In most cases, you can use multiple alternatives together for better results. Before taking any supplement, herbal or otherwise, be sure to consult your pharmacist for interactions, especially if you take any prescription or OTC medications regularly.

If you’re working hard to reach your goals but could use a little boost, steroids aren’t your only options. In fact, there are plenty of tried and tested steroid alternatives that provide some of the same results without the legal hassles or potential for side effects. Just remember that pairing these alternatives with a diet and exercise program tailored to your goals is important for your success.


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